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Borrowing made easy – just for you.

We offer a range of loans with an array of options and features to suit your needs.
​​Pick a loan or line of credit to match your goals: 
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house with money
Lines of Credit

Personal Loans

  • Variable and fixed rate options
  • Competitive interest rates with flexible repayment terms
  • Optional loan life insurance available to qualifying borrowers (discount may apply)
  • Optional disability insurance available to qualifying borrowers (discount may apply)
  • FREE automatic transfers for your payments
  • All consumer loans open to prepayment at any time without penalty
  • Loan activity recorded on monthly account statement helps you monitor your progress
  • Pre-approved loans for major purchases 

​Lines of Credit


A personal line of credit at L.I.U.N.A. Local 183 Credit Union can save you both money and time. Our personal line of credit acts as an authorized overdraft and can help you easily manage your account for those unexpected emergencies.

Lines of credit are a convenient and readily available source of funds. The interest rate is variable with interest applied only to the amount you use, calculated on the daily closing balance. 

RRSP Loans

Let us help you save for the future with an RRSP loan. If you are temporarily short on cash and can't contribute to your registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), an RRSP loan may be just the thing for you.

This way, you can continue to contribute to your RRSP or increase your contributions, no matter your financial situation. An RRSP loan is also a great way to ensure that you're maximizing your RRSP contributions, with the advantage of a lower interest rate than regular personal loans.

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Meet with one of our Team Members. They'll be happy to guide you through every step of the borrowing process.
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​​​Loan Calculator

Our nifty loan calculator will crunch the numbers to estimate your payments, determine when you’ll be paid off and more.